Tag: music educator

2016 Music Educator of the Year Award

Meet Our 2016 Music Educator of the Year Semi-Finalists

Sometimes we forget just how much work music educators across the country put in to keep music programs alive. But, it’s programs like our annual Music Educator of the Year award that quickly remind us of the amazing impact educators have on students and their communities. We received applications from all across the country for […]

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Tips for Building a Successful Choir: Part 2

Tips for Building a Successful Choir: Part I

Whether you’re taking over a choir from a previous director or building one from the ground up, growing and maintaining a successful choir can be difficult. Some choir directors have a hard time convincing people to sign up, while others have trouble convincing members to stick around beyond the first or second rehearsal. Choirs that […]

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2016 Music Educator of the Year Award

2016 Music Educator of the Year Award

In 2015, Music & Arts launched its first ever Music Educator of the Year Award as a way to recognize three music educators across the country for their outstanding achievement in music education. From kindergarten teachers to college professors and everyone in between, anyone who has been teaching music full-time in the United States for […]

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3 Ways to Score Continuing Education Credits

3 Ways to Score Continuing Education Credits

What makes a great music teacher stand apart from others in his or her field? Of course, the teacher has risen to a level of aptness with hands-on experience that makes them well-rounded and widely respected in his/her field. But great teachers don’t stop there. In fact, when it comes to learning  — they never stop.  After all, research in […]

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The Secrets to Recruiting Kids Into Band and Orchestra

The Secrets to Recruiting Kids Into Band and Orchestra

You get only one chance per year to recruit new band and orchestra members.  For the next six to seven years your district’s ensembles will be a product of your efforts today. Each year, music teachers all around our nation have an opportunity to grow a powerful music program, and beginning band and orchestra students […]

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