Category: Educator Resources

Julian Bliss

10 Things We Learned About Julian Bliss

What were you doing when you were 10? For the clarinet virtuoso Julian Bliss, it was time to start studying music at the university level. So he packed his bags and moved thousands of miles away from his home in the U.K., enrolling in the Artist Diploma program at Indiana University. “It was the most […]

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Musical Instrument Engagement

6 Tips for Keeping Kids Engaged in Their Musical Instrument

Learning a musical instrument is a journey that can be both enriching and demanding, particularly for children. Besides supporting cognitive development and academic performance, music provides an outlet for creativity and self-expression, along with a shared language for connecting with others. But mastery of an instrument doesn’t happen overnight. It requires consistent effort and perseverance. […]

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National Band Directors' Day

National Band Directors’ Day

To celebrate National Band Directors’ Day, our school services team is shining a spotlight on several band directors who are recognized for their exceptional dedication and support in education.  From fostering a love for music in students to overcoming challenges, these stories capture the essence of what makes educators truly remarkable. Seth Riehl Anna S. […]

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Upgrade Your Sound

Upgrade Your Sound

The Importance of Upgrading Your Musical Instrument The bond between musician and instrument is special. Most seasoned players will even describe their instrument as an extension of themselves. However, as you progress on your musical journey, you may find yourself at a crossroads: do you stick with your trusty companion, or is it time to […]

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Band Rooms Upgraded

Band Rooms Upgraded

Celebrating the Sweepstakes Winners! The Sweepstakes: A New Opportunity Music & Arts has recently partnered with Pearl and Adams, offering band directors across the country an exciting sweepstakes opportunity. This collaboration presents Middle/Junior and High School music educators with an unforgettable prize: One kit valued at $50,000 and another at $25,000, each containing a customized […]

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Symphony Orchestra Competition

Preparing for Music Competitions

A Guide to Music Competition Mastery and Confidence Spring is quickly approaching, which means it’s time for us to tune into a topic that resonates with many of our dedicated musicians: preparing for music competitions. Whether you’re a seasoned performer or gearing up for your first competition, this guide is composed to help you orchestrate […]

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Celebrating the Rhythms of Life with Terry Koger

In the spirit of Black History Month, Music & Arts is honored to shine a spotlight on Terry Koger’s story, a tale not merely of notes and rhythms but of passion and the transformative power of education. Our conversation with Terry not only peels back the layers of his personal music education journey but also […]

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Jason Ferrell Music

Harmonizing Passion and Education: A Conversation with Jazz Maestro Jason Ferrell 

Delve into the world of jazz with Jason Ferrell, a distinguished educational representative based in Columbus, Ohio. With a life steeped in music and an unwavering passion for jazz, Jason shares his journey, influences, and insights into the art of jazz education.  Jason’s Musical Beginnings Born and raised in Columbus, Jason’s musical journey began with […]

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Music Student Learning

Upgrade Your Sound for the Ride of Your Life

By Dr. David W. Vandewalker For most of my childhood I had two passions: music and bikes. I would wake up excited to go to school because I enjoyed hanging out with my friends. I would jump on my bike riding to my friend’s house; together we would zoom off to school. It was always […]

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Playing Keyboard

The Transformative Benefits of Learning to Play an Instrument

From the resonant chords of a guitar to the gentle melody of a piano, music has a profound impact on our lives. While being a devoted listener can bring joy and solace, there’s something truly magical about playing an instrument.   Beyond the enchantment of producing beautiful sounds, the benefits of this pursuit extend far […]

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