Tag: midi

The Pros and Cons of Teaching Choral Music Through MIDI

Saying that technology has completely transformed music in recent years is an understatement. Everything from how composers work to how the world consumes music from their favorite artists is unrecognizable from what the musical climate looked like at the turn of the century. Music education is no exception. Bringing MIDI into choral music education spaces […]

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Why Bringing Digital Tools Into Music Education is Vital in 2019

Music has remained one of humanity’s most important and impactful artforms for thousands of years because of its ability to evolve and adapt to the cultures that surround it. But sadly, many traditional music educators hold firm to the belief that music tech like MIDI-generated sounds and composition software distracts their students and provides no […]

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Make Piano Fun Again: Incorporating MIDI Technology into Your Curriculum

I am a classically-trained pianist who had “traditional piano lessons” growing up. I majored in piano, received a Master’s Degree in Piano Pedagogy, and then began teaching my own students. Like many teachers I meet, I started teaching the way I had been taught: the same basic lesson format, similar repertoire, and “classical goals” for […]

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