Category: Learn Music

Woman playing the oboe

Overcoming the Challenges of Double-Reed Instruments

Double-reed instruments are some of the most unique members of the woodwinds family. Unlike the clarinet and saxophone, which utilize a single reed mounted on a mouthpiece, double-reed instruments feature—you guessed it—two reeds vibrating against each other to create an unmistakable sound. The most popular double-reed instruments are the oboe and bassoon, but the category […]

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Greyson Nekrutman

Greyson Nekrutman: Play Hard, Work Harder

Famously, the late Buddy Rich didn’t push practice. The hot-tempered genius of jazz drumming, who began his career as a child prodigy, liked to say he learned his craft by performing. Rich also trash-talked rock drummers, though he did tackle arrangements of rock songs in his popular big bands. Which begs the question: What would […]

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Julian Bliss

10 Things We Learned About Julian Bliss

What were you doing when you were 10? For the clarinet virtuoso Julian Bliss, it was time to start studying music at the university level. So he packed his bags and moved thousands of miles away from his home in the U.K., enrolling in the Artist Diploma program at Indiana University. “It was the most […]

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Musical Instrument Engagement

6 Tips for Keeping Kids Engaged in Their Musical Instrument

Learning a musical instrument is a journey that can be both enriching and demanding, particularly for children. Besides supporting cognitive development and academic performance, music provides an outlet for creativity and self-expression, along with a shared language for connecting with others. But mastery of an instrument doesn’t happen overnight. It requires consistent effort and perseverance. […]

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Symphony Orchestra Competition

Preparing for Music Competitions

A Guide to Music Competition Mastery and Confidence Spring is quickly approaching, which means it’s time for us to tune into a topic that resonates with many of our dedicated musicians: preparing for music competitions. Whether you’re a seasoned performer or gearing up for your first competition, this guide is composed to help you orchestrate […]

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Music Goals

Tuning into Success: Setting Your Musical Goals for the Year

Welcome to a new year of possibilities and musical exploration! As musicians, we know that growth and skill don’t just happen; they are cultivated through dedicated effort and clear objectives. Whether you’re picking up an instrument for the first time or fine-tuning your skills for a major performance, setting goals can transform your musical experience […]

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Music Student Learning

Upgrade Your Sound for the Ride of Your Life

By Dr. David W. Vandewalker For most of my childhood I had two passions: music and bikes. I would wake up excited to go to school because I enjoyed hanging out with my friends. I would jump on my bike riding to my friend’s house; together we would zoom off to school. It was always […]

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Leading with Care

Leading with C.A.R.E.

By Dr. David W. Vandewalker The ever-increasing demands on students and teachers seems to be at an all-time high. While we are thankful that the most extreme difficulties of the pandemic are behind us, it is becoming evident that the impact of the recent challenges are large and will continue to have a significant effect […]

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guitar chords

Guitar Chords and Progressions

Mastering the Guitar One Step at a Time Learning guitar can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. One of the best ways to start learning the basics is through chords and progressions. Chords are the building blocks of music, and progressions are the sequences of chords that form the structure of […]

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piano playing

Useful Tips To Improve Your Piano Playing

It’s a warm, sunny day, the perfect type of day for lounging by the pool or heading to the beach. But there’s something else you can add to your summer routine – piano playing! Piano could be the start of a lifelong passion or simply a fun, seasonal hobby. Either way, here are eight tips […]

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