Your search for Clarinet returned 114 results.

How to Get the Best Sound on the Clarinet

How to Play the Clarinet: Tips for Getting the Best Sound

While it’s easy to make a sound on a clarinet, it takes the right mix of skill and equipment to truly learn how to play the clarinet the right way. The sound you want might vary a little bit depending on the type of music you’re playing, but there are tips you can apply across […]

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Clarinet Tips

How to Clean the Clarinet: Tips & Advice

As a responsible clarinet player, you’re probably already aware how important learning how to clean the clarinet is. When you’re finished playing your clarinet and are ready to store it in its case, there are a few steps you should take to ensure it’s clean and ready for storage. Not only does learning how to […]

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Doubling Clarinet

Doubling on Clarinet for Saxophone Players

A double is an additional instrument you might want to, or need to play. Standard doubles for a saxophonist might include flute, clarinet, piccolo, bass clarinet or any other instrument in the woodwind family. My first double was the clarinet. When I began high school I found many saxophone players playing clarinet. The majority of them had started […]

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Common Repairs for the Clarinet

If you’re an aspiring musician, one of the most important lessons that you must learn is that proper care and maintenance of your instrument will help you maintain consistent sound quality and save money in the long run. If the instrument you’re learning to play is the clarinet, it’s good to know how to keep […]

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Mouthpiece Buyer's Guide

Clarinet Mouthpiece Buying Guide

The first and most important step to finding your ideal setup is selecting a good mouthpiece. The selection process will be different for every player for several reasons. Firstly, everyone has their own concept of sound. Secondly, every person’s physical makeup is unique, with different jaw and teeth structure, size and shape of mouth and […]

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Clarinet Ligatures: How to Choose the Best One

Comparing the Buffet Crampon R13 and E11 Clarinets: What Are the Differences?

Young clarinetists often begin their instrumental music study with a plastic student clarinet, such as the Buffet Crampon Prodige.  As a student grows in ability and musical maturity, however, the need for a wood clarinet arises.  Advancing to a wood clarinet presents many, many options for the consumer and it can be confusing as to […]

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Clarinet Ligatures: How to Choose the Best One

Clarinet Ligatures: How to Choose the Best One

So, you’ve been playing the clarinet for a while and want to start experimenting with its sound? Since a clarinet’s ligature affects how the reed vibrates, most clarinetists match their ligature to the type of music they’re playing. If you’re in the market for a new clarinet ligature, consider the type of clarinet you have, […]

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Clarinet Maintenance & Care: Tips & Advice

Essential Clarinet Accessories

If you’re interested in playing the clarinet, whether for the first time or once again, there are a few important clarinet accessories you should purchase before you even think about signing up for lessons. While some are essential to playing, others are essential to comfort and maintenance of your instrument. Provided you don’t lose or […]

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Clarinet Reeds

When’s the Right Time to Replace Clarinet Reeds?

Whether you’ve been taking clarinet lessons for two weeks or two years, knowing when to replace clarinet reeds can be tricky. Some musicians think reed replacement is a money-grab by reed manufacturers, while others understand that it’s just a trick of the trade. Regardless of your opinion, it’s important to understand that brand new reeds, […]

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Clarinet Rental vs. Purchase: Which is Right for You?

Clarinet Rental vs. Purchase: Which is Right for You?

For many students, picking up the clarinet and joining the school band or orchestra is their first introduction to the world of music. For parents with kids looking to join their school’s band or orchestra, the decision of whether to rent or buy a clarinet can be a difficult one to make- especially if they’ve […]

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