Tag: clarinet

Julian Bliss

10 Things We Learned About Julian Bliss

What were you doing when you were 10? For the clarinet virtuoso Julian Bliss, it was time to start studying music at the university level. So he packed his bags and moved thousands of miles away from his home in the U.K., enrolling in the Artist Diploma program at Indiana University. “It was the most […]

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Beginner Friendly Instruments

Beginner Instruments: Brands and Models You Can Trust

As a musician, choosing the right beginner instrument is crucial for a smooth and enjoyable learning experience. To help you get started, we have compiled a list of top beginner-friendly musical instruments along with specific brands and models that are highly regarded in the industry. Whether you aspire to play the guitar, piano, violin, or […]

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When Is It Time to Upgrade Your Clarinet?

Learning the clarinet isn’t easy! If your child is playing on an instrument that doesn’t fit their needs, succeeding in music becomes far more challenging. Everything from finding the motivation to play to mastering clarinet fundamentals becomes more difficult when they outgrow their current instrument. Stepping up to a more advanced instrument will inspire your clarinet […]

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5 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Clarinet Players 2020

Depending on how you look at it, purchasing gifts for musicians can be really easy, or really difficult. Whether the clarinetist in your life is your best friend, your child, or a distant relative, here are some easy, simple, and useful stocking stuffer ideas for clarinetists of all skill levels. The majority of these items […]

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Woodwind Instruments

When Is It Time to Upgrade Your Woodwind Instrument?

Dedicated practice, natural ability, and drive are important factors that contribute to a musician’s progress and success. Something that’s not always talked about is the profound impact the quality of an instrument has on a musician’s sound. A well-crafted flute or clarinet has the power to bring out a player’s peak performance. When a player […]

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Famous Clarinetists

Famous Clarinetists

If you play the clarinet or are a fan of the instrument, your opinion of the most famous clarinetists will depend on the style of music you favor. Invention of the clarinet is generally attributed to German instrument maker Johann Christoph Denner at the beginning of the eighteenth century. Its name comes from the word […]

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Intermediate Clarinet

The Complete Guide to Intermediate Clarinets

When should you step up to an intermediate clarinet? Once a clarinet student (no matter their age) has fully committed to their instrument and is performing more advanced pieces in varied musical ensembles, a more advanced clarinet is in order. Step-up models of clarinets offer: a larger and fuller sound, clearer and more pleasant tone, […]

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Clarinet for Beginners

Six Clarinet Tips for All Levels from Beginner to Advanced

The clarinet is a wonderful instrument to learn, especially for beginners. Whether you’re interested in classical, jazz, or other types of music, the clarinet has a versatile sound that fits inside any genre. By learning a few clarinet tips, you’ll become a skillful player in no time. Being part of the woodwind family, the clarinet […]

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How to Get the Best Sound on the Clarinet

How To Hold a Clarinet: Tips for Beginners of All Ages

To learn how to hold a clarinet, begin with hand placement, posture, and angling. These core principles will help you achieve a clear tone and good sound.

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Choosing a Clarinet Case

A Guide on How To Tune a Clarinet for Beginning Players

Learn how to tune a clarinet by warming the instrument, playing a few notes, and adjusting the barrel. When you’re learning how to play the clarinet, it’s important to make sure your instrument is perfectly in tune. A clarinet that’s out of tune can sound harsh and unpleasant. This makes playing difficult and can ruin […]

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