Tag: Parents

10 Lessons Your Child Will Learn In Marching Band

10 Lessons Your Child Will Learn in Marching Band

Marching band is more than just a school activity – it’s an adventure where your child learns a different language and new skills that will last them a lifetime. Not only does marching band exercise the mind and body, but also it encourages friendships, cultivates creativity and provides students with a unique opportunity to grow […]

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Why You Should Learn an Instrument, Even If You’re Not Trying to Become a Professional Musician

Learning an instrument is a challenging endeavor. For beginners, even with professional music instruction, making progress can feel difficult or even impossible at times. It takes a great deal of effort, time and money, so it’s fair to ask whether it’s worth it if you don’t have dreams of becoming a professional musician. The bottom […]

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Prepare for Music Lessons by Teaching Music Fundamentals at Home

You probably already know that music education is proven to be an incredible asset in the development of children. But did you know that important music fundamentals can be taught at home? Many parents think the benefits kids get from music education happens only within formal music lessons or at school, but in reality, a […]

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Parent's Buying Guide: School Band Instruments

Parent’s Guide to School Band Instruments

School Band Instruments – A Parent’s Guide When a child shows interest in playing a musical instrument, that interest should be nurtured and encouraged. Of course, if you’re a parent who’s not musically knowledgeable, it’s very normal to feel overwhelmed after walking into a music store to find school band instruments. But there’s no need […]

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Band Practice at Home: Involving Parents for Student Success

When you think about the factors that determine whether the students in your band program will be successful or not, you probably think about the behavior, dedication, and talent of your kids before anything else. But there’s one major factor that may have just as great if not more of an impact than how your […]

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Instrument Rental Guide

The Power of Renting There are certain times of year when music is in the air and instruments are on the brain. If you’re the parent of a child going back to school, it’s time to start gearing up for a year of band. Or maybe it’s festival season and you’re interested in picking up […]

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Skipping Summer Practice? Try Running a Marathon With No Training!

School’s out for the summer and with it your child’s regular school music classes have come to an end for the term. Time to let them kick back, right? Well while the summer months are a great time for your kids to catch up on some much needed rest and relaxation, if your young musician […]

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5 Practice Tips for the Summer Months

5 Practice Tips for Your Summer Music Lessons

Summer is here! While homemade lemonade, trips to the beach, and sleeping in are perks of the season, the interrupted schedules and lapsed routines are not. If you’re a parent who is concerned about keeping your child’s music lesson practice schedule maintained throughout the warm, summer months… you’ve come to the right place! Many student […]

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Five Things You Can Do to Keep Music Education in Schools

If you have an attachment to music education in schools, you don’t need a career in investigative journalism to know that times are tough for music and arts programs, not only here in the United States, but around the world. As school budgets get cut, music and arts programs are usually the first to go, […]

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How to Help Keep Music Programs in Schools

Did you know that the annual cost for a comprehensive K-12 music education program is only about $187 per student? If it’s so cost-effective, why are music programs the first to be cut when funds are low? A study, funded by the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM), shows that it’s fairly economical to keep […]

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