Category: Lessons

All the Things Your Child Will Learn During Music Lessons (Besides Music)

Children have a lot of options when it comes to extra curricular activities. Your child may already be involved in many of them, but let us assure you that adding music lessons to the schedule is a well-informed decision. The importance of music lessons can not be understated. While your child may not become the […]

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Five Ways Music Lessons Can Help Your Child

When it comes to selecting an extracurricular activity for your child, music lessons should be at the top of your list. Sure, we may be a bit biased, but the data is there: music lessons can help your child become more autonomous and self-confident, and it’s also a pretty awesome skill to have later in […]

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Important Life Lessons You’ll Learn While Playing the Guitar

What we choose to do in our spare time determines the lessons that inform our lives and values. For example, those who choose to invest their time in sports are bound to learn a thing or two about teamwork, trust in teammates, and how to handle pain, while those who choose to explore music expose […]

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How to Overcome Student Boredom

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Viola Lessons

Learning the viola can be a fun and exciting time in your child’s life, and they can make the most of it by taking their lessons seriously. After all, excelling at an instrument takes more effort than just showing up for lessons week after week–it takes plenty of practice, careful maintenance, and tons of patience. […]

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How to Make the Most of Your Trombone Lessons

How to Make the Most of Your Trombone Lessons

Whether you’ve just enrolled your child in trombone lessons for the very first time or they’re back in lessons after taking an extended break, excelling at an instrument takes more than just showing up for lessons–it takes practicing, maintenance, and plenty of communication between you, your child, and your child’s music teacher. With tips that […]

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Using Teaching Tools in Lessons

Using Teaching Tools in Lessons

Written by Susan Lawrence  As you know, there are so many strategies used in effective teaching. Recognizing the student’s lifestyle, schedule, and learning style is important in knowing what I can set for expectations. Students teach me about themselves. I am constantly adapting my teaching approach in order to keep the lessons moving in a positive […]

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Violin Lessons

Tips to Get the Most from Your Violin Lessons

If you’ve decided to take violin lessons, and are committed to learning how to play, there are a few things you can do to make sure you get the most out of the experience. It may surprise you to find out that there’s more to learning the violin than just showing up for your lessons […]

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Tips to Get The Most From Your Clarinet Lessons

Tips to Get The Most From Your Clarinet Lessons

The clarinet is a beautiful, woodwind instrument that has one of the largest ranges of pitch when compared to all of the other musical instruments. It’s a fun instrument to play, either on your own or with a band. You can greatly improve your ability to play the clarinet when you take lessons, but you […]

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