February 4, 2025
The Ludwig-Musser Wish List
Industry leaders in orchestral and educational percussion, Ludwig-Musser honor their heritage while guiding the state of the art. Here are five instruments that will take your program to the next level.
February 4, 2025
Industry leaders in orchestral and educational percussion, Ludwig-Musser honor their heritage while guiding the state of the art. Here are five instruments that will take your program to the next level.
August 21, 2024
Imagine that a gifted drummer, guitarist or pianist just started their freshman year at your school. The student’s middle-school teacher even passed along a note praising their abilities. As the band director, you’d love to get them involved in the music program. But so far, they haven’t shown any interest in joining. Most band and […]
February 28, 2022
Marching band is more than just a school activity – it’s an adventure where your child learns a different language and new skills that will last them a lifetime. Not only does marching band exercise the mind and body, but also it encourages friendships, cultivates creativity and provides students with a unique opportunity to grow […]
July 2, 2020
From instilling a sense of pride and community to delivering a host of cognitive benefits, marching band is phenomenal for kids. Marching bands do a great deal to nurture a student’s creativity, confidence, and musical ability, and working with a private music instructor helps to solidify and enhance everything that kids learn in their programs […]
July 15, 2019
As much as we’d like to think that an amazing band performance is exclusively associated with a strong musical showing, there’s actually a myriad of non-musical factors linked with a band’s greatness. Similar to what happens in the backstage of a theater, the excellent band audiences see and hear performing on the field is only […]
March 12, 2019
As the gloomy wintry days give way to longer days of bright sunlight, musicians across the country are hard at work preparing for concert season. For musicians, spring is an important time–its the beginning of concert season! So give your muscles a good stretch to shake off the winter slumber, and get ready for concert […]
March 3, 2019
Did you know that the annual cost for a comprehensive K-12 music education program is only about $187 per student? If it’s so cost-effective, why are music programs the first to be cut when funds are low? A study, funded by the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM), shows that it’s fairly economical to keep […]
August 1, 2018
Hate it or love it, the first day of school is right around the corner. And, if you’re a proud member of your school’s marching band, so is the marching band season. Whether you’re dreading band camps and after school practices in the hot sunshine or football game performances and never ending parades, getting back […]
September 6, 2017
The beginning of college is a very interesting experience, and many students aren’t prepared for a brand new set of responsibilities. It’s a big step up from high school: you’ll need to completely shift your learning style, learn how to be on time without your parents waking you up in the morning, and learn how […]
December 16, 2016
In 2015, Music & Arts launched the Music Educator of the Year Award- an honor that recognizes a special music educator for his or her outstanding achievement in music education. From kindergarten teachers to college professors and everyone in between, anyone who has been teaching music full-time in the United States for at least five […]